Because the Gospel (evangelion) of Jesus Christ is the centre of our faith. Because we are united with the churches of the Reformation through our common confession of faith (Creed). Because we maintain contact with other pentecostal Churches, Free Churches and Congregations, for example within the Evangelical Alliance and Arbeitsgemeinschaft Christlicher Kirchen (ACK, Association of Christian Churches in Germany).
Because we recognize and have experienced that through the Holy Spirit, Jesus Christ still acts today. He leads us in a dynamic and powerful expression of our new life in Him. During our services, we desire to give room for the activity of the Holy Spirit in all of his variety. There are over 600 million people throughout the world who count themselves among the Pentecostal movement. It is therefore the biggest expression of the Evangelical Church and currently has the most dynamic growth.
Because we are a Church of volunteers, which means people make a conscious decision to follow Jesus Christ. As an expression of that decision, people old enough to make their own decisions, can decide to be baptized. Because our members help to shape our Church life on a voluntary basis. Because we receive voluntary contributions in form of donations from our members and friends.