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Make His house your home.

We believe in a great God who is full of generosity and love for us humans. He invites us to be infected by His love for this world.

That is what we have done - our heartfelt desire is to reach as many people as possible who have never heard of God with the best message in the world. The Alive Church should be a place where people can grow in faith and then make a difference themselves.

With the fundraising campaign "My Heart for His House", we are raising funds to accelerate the realisation of this vision. On the following pages, you can find out what challenges we are facing and which projects are close to our hearts.

We are praying for this campaign - not only that we will reach the fundraising target - but also that more and more people will make the house of God their home. It always fills us with great joy to see how people encounter Jesus, are changed by him, become passionate followers and then invest themselves passionately in God's house.

Thank you for supporting this campaign through your prayers and donations. We invite you to read the brochure and be personally inspired by "My Heart for His House".

Thank you from the bottom of my heart,
Your pastors, Graziano & Sara

What is my heart for his house?

My Heart for His House is our annual giving campaign at Alive Church. In addition to the regular regular donations / tithes and collections, we always collect additional donations with the campaign at the end of the year to invest in the growth and vision of the church.

We are grateful for the past 10 years of Alive Church. It is brilliant how God is making history with us as a church. The best thing about it is how He uses the many different people and generations of Alive Church. With the "My Heart for His House" campaign, we are reaching out again this year for what God has prepared for us.

Everyone is invited to invest themselves with a joyful heart.

The best thing to do is to start praying for Alive Church. Let God show you how much you should give to My Heart for His house.

For the campaign we need

MHFSH 2024

This year we would like to support the "My Heart for His House" donations for the following concerns:

Duration of the campaign

From 03 November to 13 December 2024 we are collecting donations for "My Heart for His House". We will keep you up to date on the progress of the fundraising campaign here:

Thank you for your donation to My Heart for His House.

Donation barometer

Balance: € 177,498

Target: €210,000

Donation status in %


"We've both been there from the beginning. Since then, we have been able to experience how Jesus has answered our prayers over the years. We have experienced how God has constantly and faithfully prayed for us, our children, children-in-law, grandchildren and all family members, whether they are children or grandchildren.
believer or not yet, watch, heal us
and saved. We are so grateful to Him for that!"

Armin & Barbara

"I visited the Festhalle for the first time at an evening event that was characterised by drugs, alcohol and hateful people. I still can't believe that today I can enter this building as my spiritual home, where people experience God's love and presence week after week."


"It's amazing what Alive Worship has become. It all began with the vision of a "singing and dancing church". In the meantime, we have produced 6 albums and many singles that lead the whole of Germany into the presence of God. During the countless worship nights we have been able to experience how the Holy Spirit uses our songs to meet people, heal them and lead them to freedom."


"I have Lebanese roots and grew up in Germany, but my life was characterised by violence, criminality and many changes of location without finding a real home. My path led me to the Durlach food bank - that's how I got to know the Alive Church. Here I met caring people who
meant well for me and my family. I felt God's presence and found a home. I love being involved in the church and giving back to others,
what I have experienced myself."


"When I attended the first Alive Church vision evening in Heidelberg at the beginning of 2020, I could never have imagined what would await me over the next four years. Through Alive Church Heidelberg, I have found a church that inspires me and that I am happy to work for. I
I have met incredibly valuable people who have grown close to my heart as friends. I was there when God brought people together at the Heidelberg Campus.
adds, brings together, blesses, strengthens and equips. Thank you Jesus!"


"Our first major project - the purchase of the Friedenskirche - was only possible because there was a group of determined people who were prepared to support this vision with their finances. This willingness must grow in the heart and lays the foundation for reaching the next stage."



Necessary investments, price increases and the cancellation of our subtenant have created a budget gap that we need to close in order to achieve a balanced budget.

We are expecting rental costs of 70,000 euros for our location in the Festhalle Durlach this year. We are grateful for a place where we have enough space to celebrate our services, even though we continue to believe that God will give us our own rooms. 

We want to continuously develop the work of our DreamTeam in the various areas of the church. In addition to the expenses for ongoing operations, purchases of work materials and technical equipment are always necessary to support the individual teams in their tasks.

We are grateful for our staff at Alive Church. Without the commitment of our DreamTeam, Alive Church would not be possible. We want to continue to invest in our leaders and staff and strengthen them in their gifts and callings through training and conferences. This also includes our culture of generosity and gratitude as well as the beautiful moments, such as our annual DreamTeam Party.

Whether Alive Kids, ECHO, College, Creative, Connect Groups or the AMA music school - almost all of our teams meet in our rooms in Amalienbadstrasse. We want to spruce them up and make them more cosy so that they are once again attractive for all users. We want to improve the room acoustics with sound-absorbing elements and thus make it much more pleasant to spend time in the rooms.


You have the opportunity to fill out a donation pledge in advance by telling us how much you would like to contribute to My Heart for His House.


Promise of donations

my data will be stored and processed for the purpose of community work in accordance with the statutory provisions on data protection. You can object to further processing at any time, as well as request correction, deletion and information about your data, insofar as this is legally permissible. Further information (incl. privacy policy) at datenschutz@alivechurch.de

for your heart for His house

"Our church is not built on the gifts and talents of a few, but on the sacrifice of many."

We would like to express our gratitude: Grateful to God, our Lord, who has carried us this far, surprised us again and again and opened new doors. But also grateful to all the people who invest themselves in God's house and are a blessing for Alive Church.

Our thanks go to all those who are involved in this campaign. May God bless you abundantly for this.

Your pastors,
Graziano & Sara Gangi


In 10 years of Alive Church, we have been able to reach these milestones together with you. 

"My Heart for His House" has always played an important role in this and achieved the following sums:

2014: Foundation of the Alive Church
We are starting from scratch, as subtenants in the Friedenskirche. Everything is new for us. We can make urgently needed purchases.

2015: 1 year Alive Church
Our first birthday! The community grows and takes shape. We buy the building in Amalienbadstraße. In the same year, we also produce our first Alive Worship album - "Gnadenthron".

2016: Remodelling of Amalienbadstrasse
Renovation of the worship room - Our home is to become more beautiful. We found our Royal Rangers scout tribe on a site in Grötzingen.

2017: The church is growing
Two church services at 11am and 5pm at Amalienbadstrasse 5-7 become necessary. The façade receives its current coat of paint and the Alive Church logo.

2018: Move to the festival hall
We finally have enough space for all visitors and further growth. The youth centre in the courtyard of Amalienbadstraße is being converted and new space for young people is being created.

There's a lot going on: church services in the Filmpalast at the ZKM, Elevation Worship concert in the Schwarzwald Halle, the first Sisterhood Night. Without realising the significance, we laid the foundations for our video team and the livestream as we know it today.

We are setting up our campus in Heidelberg! Corona transforms the church into a film studio. Livestreams, masks, minimum distance, Zoom meetings and online events are part of everyday life. We are well equipped and make the best of it.

Of necessity, we have to move our church services to the Südwerk. This year we start our first conference: ChurchCon in Baden-Baden. In November, our first service begins at Patrick Henry Village in Heidelberg. Alive Worship goes on tour for the first time. The war in Ukraine shatters the dream of the filling hall. The first ECHO Night takes place. In December 2022, we move back to the Festhalle.

Alive Worship releases the first live album - Wüstenheil. ChurchCon takes place in the Festhalle for the first time. Our office team continues to grow and gets the much-needed space expansion in the Blumentor. 

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